Nomenclature course at the Latin American Botanical Congress
Will you be attending the Latin American Botanical Congress in Quito, Ecuador? Would you like to learn more about nomenclature? If so...
Sep 18, 2018
Pollen characters and DNA sequence data converge on a monophyletic genus Iresine P. Browne (Amaranth
by Thomas Borsch, Hilda Flores-Olvera, Silvia Zumaya Mendoza, Kai Müller Iresine is a neotropical genus of the Amaranthaceae with most...
Sep 13, 2018
Species delimitation at a global scale reveals high species richness with complex biogeography and p
by Nicolas Magain, Camille Truong, Trevor Goward, Dongling Niu, Bernard Goffinet, Emmanuel Serusiaux, Orvo Vitikainen, Francois Lutzoni,...
Sep 13, 2018
Ancient speciation of the papilionoid legume Luetzelburgia jacana, a newly discovered species in an
by Domingos Cardoso, Daiane Trabuco Cruz, Álvaro Idárraga, Karina Banda, Álvaro Cogollo, Cássio van den Berg, Luciano Paganucci Queiroz,...
Sep 13, 2018
The disentanglement of Andreaea alpina Hedw. (Andreaeaceae): typifications and nomenclatural changes
by Michelle J. Price, Leonard Thomas Ellis The name Andreaea alpina Hedw. was validly published in Hedwig's 1801 work Species muscorum...
Sep 13, 2018
Typification of species names in Dichondra (Convolvulaceae)
by Geadelande Delgado, George Staples, Maria Teresa Buril Dichondra is a genus of creeping and sprawling herbs with reniform leaves,...
Sep 13, 2018
Clarifying the nomenclature of some Euro-Mediterranean quillworts (Isoetes, Isoetaceae): indicator s
by Angelo Troia, Germinal Rouhan To stabilize the application of some names in the genus Isoetes in the Mediterranean biodiversity...
Sep 13, 2018
Specimens of Convolvulaceae linked to the plates of Dillenius's Hortus Elthamensis
by John Richard Ironside Wood, Serena Marner, Robert Scotland, Stephen Harris Dillenius's Hortus Elthamensis was published in 1732. In...
Sep 13, 2018
Nomenclatural types of the Linnaean names in Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae)
by Pablo Ferrer Gallego The nomenclatural types of the Linnaean names in the genus Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) are discussed and...
Sep 13, 2018
Molecular phylogeny and cryptic morphology reveal a new genus of West Indian woody bamboo (Poaceae:
by Christopher D Tyrrell, Ximena Londoño, Ramona Oviedo Prieto, Lakshmi Attigala, Katelyn McDonald, Lynn G Clark Arthrostylidium, a...
Sep 13, 2018