Committee on Institutional Votes
Nicholas J. Turland (Germany, Chair & Rapporteur-général)
Carmen Ulloa Ulloa (U.S.A./Ecuador, Secretary)
Zenia Acosta Ramos (Cuba)
Adeyinka O. Adepoju (Liberia/Nigeria)
Ana Paula Fortuna Perez (Brazil)
Alina Freire-Fierro (Ecuador)
Bin-Jie Ge (China)
Boon-Chuan Ho (Singapore)
Teresa Iturriaga (U.S.A./Venezuela, Advisor for fungi)
Josephine Milne (Australia)
Iris Montero Muñoz (Spain)
A. Muthama Muasya (South Africa)
Jarosław Proćków (Poland)
Institutional Votes at the XX International Botanical Congress, Madrid, July 2024
Please read Institutional Votes at the XX International Botanical Congress, Madrid, 2024: Report of the Committee on Institutional Votes, which has been published in Taxon and can be freely accessed and downloaded. It contains a list of institutions allocated institutional votes and instructions on how to exercise those votes.