The Engler Medal in SILVER

The Engler Silver Medal is awarded annually for an outstanding monograph or other work in systematic botany, mycology or phycology. It is presented at a significant international meeting, congress, or symposium.
In 2002 the original Engler Silver medal was divided into three awards: the Engler Silver Medal for outstanding monographic or systematic works, the Stafleu Medal for historical, bibliographic, and/or nomenclatural aspects of systematics and taxonomy, and the Stebbins Medal for phylogenetic systematics and evolutionary studies.
This Engler Silver Medal has been awarded to the following recipients for the listed works:
Natalie W. Uhl (Cornell) & John Dransfield (Kew)
Genera palmarum (1987) [ed. 2 2008 by Dransfield & al.]
Elmar Robbrecht (Meise)
Tropical woody Rubiaceae (1988)
Peter Taylor (Kew)
The genus Utricularia: A taxonomic monograph (1989)
Warren L. Wagner, Darrell R. Herbst & Sy H. Sohmer (all Honolulu)
Manual of flowering plants of Hawai`i (1990, 2 vols.) [ed. 2 1999]
Rupert C. Barneby (New York)
Sensitivae censitae: A description of the genus Mimosa Linnaeus (Mimosaceae) in the New World (1991)
Rudolf M. Schuster (Amherst)
The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America east of the hundredth meridian, vols. 5, 6 (1992) [vols. 1-4, 1966-80]
Peter C. Boyce (Kew)
The genus Arum (1993)
Donald John McGillivray (formerly Sydney)
Grevillea, Proteaceae: A taxonomic revision(1993)
Grady L. Webster (Davis)
Synopsis of the genera and suprageneric taxa of the Euphorbiaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81: 33-144 (1994)
James L. Luteyn (New York)
Ericaceae (1996) [in Flora of Ecuador]
Aljos Farjon (Kew) & Brian T. Styles (Oxford) (deceased 1993)
Pinus (Pinaceae) (1997) [in Flora neotropica]
Kade Sidiyasa (Leiden)
Taxonomy, phylogeny, and wood anatomy of Alstonia (Apocynaceae) (1998)
Rudolf Schmid (Berkeley)
A Special Engler Medal in Silver for his accomplishments as editor of the "Reviews and notices of publications" column of Taxon since its February 1986 issue
Walter S. Judd (Gainesville), Christopher S. Campbell (Orono), Elizabeth A. Kellogg (St. Louis) & Peter F. Stevens (St. Louis)
Plant systematics: A phylogenetic approach (1999) [eds. 2–3, 2002, 2008]
H. Walter Lack (Berlin)
Ein Garten für die Ewigkeit: Der Codex Liechtenstein and A garden, eternity: The codex Liechtenstein (2000) [Ger. ed. 2, 2003]
David G. Frodin (Kew)
Guide to standard floras of the world, 2nd ed. (2001) [ed. 1 1984]
Scott A. Mori (New York), Georges Cremers (Paris), Carol A. Gracie (New York), Jean-Jacques de Granville (Cayenne), Scott V. Heald (New York), Michel Hoff (Paris) & John D. Mitchell (New York)
Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana, pt. 2, Dicotyledons (2002) [pt. 1, Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocotyledons, 1997; pt. 3, Mosses, 2003; pt. 4, Liverworts and hornworts, 2009]
Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan (Huang Tseng-Chieng, ed.-in-chief) (Teipei)
Flora of Taiwan, 2nd ed. (1994-2003, 6 vols., suppl.) [ed. 1 1975-79, 6 vols.]
John T. Mickel (New York) & Alan R. Smith (Berkeley)
The pteridophytes of Mexico (2004) [2007 corr. PB reissue in 2 pts.]
Lourens Poorter (Wageningen), F. Bongers (Wageningen), F.N. Kouamé (Abidjan) & W.D. Hawthorne (Oxford) (ed.)
Biodiversity of West African forests: An ecological atlas of woody plant species (2004)
Howard Page Wood (Philadelphia)
The dendrobiums (2006)
David J. Mabberley (Seattle, Leiden, Sydney)
Mabberley's Plant-book, 3rd ed. (2008) [eds. 1-2 1987, 1997]
Hong Kong Herbarium & South China Botanical Garden (Hong Kong) (ed.)
Flora of Hong Kong, 4 vols. (2007-11)
H. (Henk) J. Beentje [& al.] (Kew) (ed.)
Flora of tropical East Africa [FTEA], 263 fascs. (1952–2012)
Clive A. Stace (Ullesthorpe), Chris D. Preston (Wallingford) & David A. Pearman (Truro)
Hybrid flora of the British Isles (2015)
Terence D. Pennington & Rosemary Wise
The Genus Sloanea (Elaeocarpaceae) in America. David Hunt, Milbourne Port. 447 pp. (2017)