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International Association of

Botanical and Mycological Societies

The International Association of

Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS)

International Botanical Congress for 2029


The International Botanical Congress (IBC)

is the most important interdisciplinary convention of scientists from around the world to discuss new research in the plant sciences, including botany, mycology, phycology, systematics, ecology, paleontology, conservation, ethnobotany, agriculture, horticulture, and related fields. The International Botanical Congress is particularly important because it provides unique opportunities to bring together scientists and students from many countries to share their research. It is an ideal venue to meet new people and develop new collaborations. The rapidly increasing knowledge about plants, including their history, uses, interactions with other organisms, and role in the ecosystem, is becoming more important than ever to the stability and sustainability of the human endeavor and life on Earth. The IBC is the most prestigious international convention for sharing such knowledge.


International Botanical Congresses

are held every six years under the auspices of the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS) of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS). IABMS comprises all international organizations with interests in botany and mycology that are scientific members of the International Union of Biological Societies. The previous IBC was held in Shenzhen, China in 2017, organized by many members of the Chinese botanical community, including botanical, mycological, and ecological societies, universities, botanical research institutions, and other sponsors. The next Congress will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in July 2023. Selection of the 2029 IBC venue will be ratified at the 2023 IBC.


IABMS Officers

are Dr. Patrick S. Herendeen, Chair, and Dr. Jiří Kvaček, Secretary, and Dr. Gonzalo Nieto Feliner, President of the 2024 XX IBC.

Announcing the XXI IBC in 2029

A proposal from South Africa to organize and host the 2029 IBC has been accepted by the IABMS Board. The 21st IBC will be held in Cape Town, South Africa in July, 2029. J.S. Boatwright, University of the Western Cape will serve as the Congress President. More details will follow soon.


Patrick Herendeen, Chair IABMS, or


Patrick S. Herendeen, Chair IABMS

Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Illinois, USA,

Jiří Kvaček, Secretary IABMS
Department of Palaeontology, National Museum, Prague, Czechia

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