IAPT Grants
Small Collections Grants
IAPT provides competitive grants for the improvement and/or maintenance of botanical collections (herbaria) of algae, fungi, and or plants.

2022 Round
50 applications were received in the 2022 round, for funding in 2023. Thank you to all who applied.
The following applications were selected for funding.
Digitalization of specimens and LUBA Herbarium´s collection update
Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação da Huíla
Current efforts to digitize biological specimens undoubtedly contribute to faster and less costly access, as well as safety for the use of collections, as information and associated collections or images of collections specimens can be accessed from any location without the need to contact the physical collections directly.
• Increasing the collection and the database with the insertion of new specimen records;
• To create an open-access digital collection of the LUBA herbarium specimens.
With the implementation of this project, we aim to add 1000 new registers to the database.
Amount Awarded: US$
José João Tchamba
Improvement of the Herbario Sur Peruano (HSP) and revaluation of its collection
Instituto Cientifico Michael Owen Dillon
• Carry out the entry of botanical samples to the collection of the Herbario Sur peruano(HSP).
• Update the catalog of species and botanical material deposited in the HSP.
• Improve the current conditions of the botanical material deposited in the HSP.
• Carry out field trips that allow the increase in the collection of HSP.
• Promote the training of young botanists in the study of the vascular flora of the region.
Amount Awarded: US$
Italo Francisco Treviño Zevallos
Digitalization, expansion of the collection and improvement of the infrastructure of the Mongoyós Herbarium - IMS/CAT/UFBA
Federal University of Bahia -UFBA
The Mongoyós Herbarium (HVC) is a small collection (8,000 specimens), in the from northeast Brazil (Bahia). The implementation of the herbarium at IMS/CAT has contributed significantly to the knowledge of the flora of the southwestern region of Bahia and has helped in quality instruction for undergraduate students to work with the biological collections. The objective this project is consolidate the HVC as a reference collection. The grant will be invested to digitalization of specimens, improve specimen storage and processing conditions, distribution of duplicates to other herbaria.
Amount Awarded: US$
Andrea Karla Almeida dos Santos
Development of Herbarium Celebense (CEB) to Digitize Specimens
Herbarium Celebense
Herbarium Celebense (CEB) is one herbariums in Sulawesi which active in collecting and storing plant specimens in Indonesia with total 3791 specimen. The earthquake that occurred on 28 September 2018 caused great damage to several specimens and about 5000 specimens are waiting to be worked on. Based on this, the proposed budget will be invested in improving the CEB database and procces digitizing all available specimens into website herbarium.
Amount Awarded: US$
Roland Putra Pribadi Ahmad
Projection and conservation of the FEZA Herbarium collections
Faculty of Higher Studies Zaragoza, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Main curation of the collections (algae, fungi and plants) and database housed in FEZA Herbarium.
Digitization of vouchers (database input and picture capture) to make it available for academics and the public.
Enrichment of the FEZA herbarium acquis interchanging vouchers with other national and international herbaria.
Offer a practical course on voucher preparation for algae and plants aimed to undergraduate students to promote the work done at FEZA.
Amount Awarded: US$
María Magdalena Ayala Hernández
Mexico City
Increasing specimen processing, online publication and educational purposes at the SAMES herbarium, located in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest hotspot
Centro Universitário do Norte do Espírito Santo, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Herbarium SAMES comprises a collection of ca. 11.500 specimens, mostly from north of Espírito Santo State, Southeast Brazil, one of the richest areas of the Atlantic Forest hotspot, with multiple new species described. Thus, it is very important to process, preserve and provide digital images of all specimens stored, together with trained people to provide educational activities in the collection. The grant will be invested in the following improvements:
1) Process and database all specimens using JABOT v.3 and provide online;
2) Provide manpower for educational activities in the collectio
Amount Awarded: US$
Guilherme de Medeiros Antar
Scanning, photography and storage of materials in the SPFR Herbarium (DB/FFCLRP-USP, Brazil)
University of São Paulo
- to accelerate the digitization of the SPFR Herbarium collection – from c. 4,600 to 7,000 digitalized records
- make the records available on an online platform
- photograph at least 1,000 materials and make records available online by 2023
- pack the material for incorporation, including procedures for prior freezing of the material to avoid contamination (mold and insects)
- Return of loans.
- organize the collection for assembly and correct packaging of the exsiccates (nearly 4,000 numbers waiting to the mounted)
- training students in scientific collection management activities
Amount Awarded: US$
Milton Groppo Junior
Sierra Leone’s National Herbarium battle for survival
National Herbarium of Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone’s National Herbarium (SL), is in great difficulties and fighting a battle for survival. Founded in 1906, and housing c. 50,000 specimens of vascular and non-vascular plants, is the oldest and largest herbarium in the country. During the Civil War (1991–2002), the herbarium was invaded by rebels, who vandalised the building; specimens were lost and entire carpological specimens were destroyed. This funding will be used mostly for addressing critical infra-structure problems resulting from damage and neglect of the past decades, and maintain the collections in suitable conditions.
Amount Awarded: US$
Aiah Lebbie
Sierra Leone
Processing, digitization and divulging of the collection of Atlantic Patagonian macroalgae of Herbarium BBB (UNS, Argentina)
Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)
The collection of Atlantic Patagonian macroalgae, housed in the Herbarium BBB of Universidad Nacional del Sur comprises more than 2000 specimens from 18 localities on the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The lack of budget and personnel in the herbarium has led to the collection being neglected. Most specimens are pressed on temporary papers and need to be correctly mounted and taxonomically identified. The objectives of this project are to process backlog specimens, digitize them to obtain high resolution images and to promote the visibility of the collection among botanists.
Amount Awarded: US$
Maria Emilia Croce
Collections management for improving fungal taxonomy in the Republic of Congo
Initiative des Champignons et des Plantes du Congo (ICPC)
Studies on macrofungi taxonomy are still at the early stage in the Republic of Congo. Being the only fungal herbarium in Congo, the HICPC holds about 3,000 collections of fungi of which some represent Type material of newly published species such as Amanita griseostrobilacea Ndolo Ebika, Yorou & Attibayeba and Cantharellus xanthocyaneus Ndolo Ebika & Buyck. Thus, the project’s objectives are to (1) correctly database and produce labels for all specimens, (2) improve the storage system for a long-term preservation of the specimens and (3) prepare duplicates for sharing with herbaria abroad.
Amount Awarded: US$
Sydney Thony Ndolo Ebika
Republic of Congo
2019 Round
107 applications were received in the 2019 round, for funding in 2020.
The following applications were selected for funding.
Digitization of Herbarium of Ivo and Marija Horvat (ZAHO), Croatia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
One of small but important collections hosting valuable material from species rich Balkan Peninsula is Herbarium of Ivo and Marija Horvat (ZAHO) located at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. It stores approximately 70 000 specimens collected by Ivo Horvat throughout the Balkans. It also includes type specimens as Horvat described several new species. As the material is not frequently used in research, the main objective of the project is to database and digitize herbarium specimens, thus making them freely available for research worldwide.
Amount Awarded: US$
Ivana Rešetnik
Providing Equipment for Digitizing Herbarium Collection of UUH and Materials for further Processing Plant Specimens
Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS
The first project’s objective is providing the opportunity to digitize plant specimens stored in the Herbarium of the Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS (UUH). The second important objective is providing basic materials for plant specimens processing before inserting into the Herbarium collection.
Amount Awarded: US$
Oleg A. Anenkhonov
Systematization of the third largest lichen collection from Colombia: preserving the past and future of reference collections in Neotropics.
Universidad de Caldas
Systematize and improve 5000 specimens of the lichenological collection of University of Caldas Herbarium-FAUC and promote the use of this reference collection.
1) Digitalize the entire lichen collection to be included in the FAUC Herbarium main collection database.
2) Improve exsiccates conservation of antique material already deposited in the FAUC Herbarium.
3) Perform a curatorship and taxonomic verification of the lichen specimens of the Herbarium FAUC.
4) Recognize the number of specimens from FAUC lichen collection.
5) Create and send duplicatas from type materials to other herbaria.
Amount Awarded: US$
Luis Fernando Coca
Enhancing collection management in the Seychelles National Herbarium.
Seychelles National Herbarium
Our Herbarium currently does not have an internal budget for digitization and a relatively small budget for collection management. We have identified several aspects of improvement which our Herbarium has been striving to achieve but due to funding constraints, these tasks have yet to be fully realized. With this current grant, the team aims to make the following improvements:
1) Upgrading collection management conditions and
2) Enhance digitization practices.
Amount Awarded: US$
Charles Morel
African Secrets from the backlog at PO Herbarium: revealing 20th-century African collectors and specimens brought in private botanical missions.
Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto
A. Face the obstacle of not having a digitization unit at PO herbarium room (computer + photographic stand) due to lack of funding for continuous curatorship of a 15,500 African specimens.
B. Catalogue the unofficial collections created during a long period of the 20h century (1912-1970), which sum up to 12192 specimens of plants and 3,308 cryptogamic specimens (algae, fungi, lichens, bryophytes, pteridophytes).
C. D. Promote curatorship, conservation, research, dissemination and educational perspectives, by disclosing the missions, protagonists, and meta-data of specimens.
Amount Awarded: US$
Cristiana Vieira
Digitization of the historical collections in the Thessaloniki Aristotle University (TAU) Herbarium (Greece)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Biology, Lab. of Systematic Botany & Phytogeography
Digitization of c. 3,000 specimens dating back from the early 19th century up to the late 1930’s. Among them there are at least 44 types, as well as the Zaganiaris’ collections, survived WWII and kept only in TAU. It is notable that Zaganiaris’ published records are so far treated with reservations by many researchers, as the existence of specimens substantiating them was not known. The main objective is to preserve, conserve and bring into light these collections in order to reveal new information on Greece’s phytodiversity and to enhance their accessibility from the scientific community.
Amount Awarded: US$
Regina Karousou
Barcoding and digitizing the Geo Potts Herbarium (BLFU)
Geo Potts Herbarium, University of the Free State
Objective 1: Barcode all the specimens in the quick guide and main collection (± 25 000 specimens) and link barcodes to specimen records in BRAHMS.
Objective 2: Digitize all specimens in the quick guide and main collection (± 25 000 specimens) and publish the images on the online database.
Amount Awarded: US$
Lize Joubert
South Africa
Updating digital database and processing specimen backlog using interns.
Paul C. Standley Herbarium, Pan American Agricultural School/Zamorano University
The Paul Standley Herbarium has a skeleton staff of one and maintenance budget limited to utilities and cleaning supplies. We are part of Zamorano University, but the collections have never been a University priority. Over 70 years a series of prominent researchers has built up a collection that includes about a thousand types among the roughly 200,000 catalogued specimens. We have the only about 1% currently digitized. With approximately a thousand new arrivals each year, the new material is being processed, but we have made few inroads into the backlog or digitalization.
Amount Awarded: US$
Rina Fabiola Díaz
Preservation of the endangered biological heritage of the Herbarium PORT, BioCentro-UNELLEZ, Venezuela
General Objective:
Preserve the existing biological heritage in the Port herbarium that is currently at risk of damage due to lack of supplies for its maintenance
Specific Objectives
Digitize key specimens from the collection whose risk of damage is greater when insects and fungi attack.
Exchange plants at critical risk for attack by insects and fungi with other herbaria in the world to safeguard the existing biological heritage.
Process accumulated samples into the formal herbarium collection.
Amount Awarded: US$
Santos Miguel Nino
Improving WIND herbarium collection through specimen imaging, data checking and clearing mounting backlog
National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)
The National Herbarium of Namibia (WIND) a section within the National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) situated in Windhoek. WIND currently holds ca. 95 000 specimens of the 4 300 indigenous and naturalised plant species found in Namibia.
The aim of this project is to improve WINDs herbarium collection through imaging of specimens, data correctness and assisting in clearing an area of backlog.
Project Objectives: 1) Image herbarium specimens held at WIND in a systematic way, 2) Check and clean data of imaged specimens on BRAHMS, 3) Assist in clearing backlog of specimens awaiting mounting
Amount Awarded: US$
Frances Chase
2020 Round
45 applications were received in the 2020 round, for funding in 2021.
The following applications were selected for funding.
Starting the digitalization and online publication of the historical collections of MEDEL herbarium
Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín
- Get high resolution images of 20.000 specimens.
- Revise and clean the data of the imaged specimens.
- Publish the data of the imaged specimens and at least the images of 2000 specimens at http://www.biovirtual.unal.edu.co/en/collections/search/plants/.
Amount Awarded: US$
Jorge Perez Zabala
Preliminary checklist of Lycophyta and Monilophyta of the Valle del Cauca department, Colombia
Universidad del Valle
1. General Objective
To generate a preliminary checklist of the Licophyta and Monilophyta of the of Valle del Cauca department, based on the collections housed at the CUVC herbarium.
Specific Objectives
- Increase the herbarium database by adding ca. 2000 specimens of Lycophyta and Monilophyta housed at the CUVC herbarium.
- Increase the herbarium collection by mounting, including and databasing 500 new collections of Lycophyta and Monilophyta.
Amount Awarded: US$
Alejandro Zuluaga Trochez
Digitization of mycological collection of V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University herbarium (Ukraine)
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
The mycological part of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University herbarium CWU (Myc) contains about 30 000 fungal specimens including type materials and rare exsiccates. Recently we started mobilizing our collection and have already databased 5922 specimens available through GBIF, but we are missing digital macro-photos.
The main objectives we set up are (i) to establish a first full-equipped fungal digitization facility in Ukraine; (ii) to digitize all the type specimens stored in CWU (Myc) herbarium; (iii) to digitize the most valuable exsiccates and contemporary specimens.
Amount Awarded: US$
Olexander Akulov
- 1. Transfer 100% of data from Brahms to the JABOT spreadsheet (26.000 specimens database)
- 2. Digitization of 100% of the typus samples (49 specimens);
- 3. Digitization of the HERBAM collection (26,000 specimens)
- 4. Provide images and data from the collection at REFLORA- HERBARIO VIRTUAL, on site
Amount Awarded: US$
Small herbariums as a learning tool: Virtual Herbarium FCO (University of Oviedo, Spain) as an example
University of Oviedo
Virtual herbaria are a source of information on the biodiversity that surrounds us. Its potential use in learning implies a redesign of educational experiences. As an example, a new online botanical resource, the Virtual Herbarium FCO (University of Oviedo) that collects information and a wide gallery of images of the flora of Asturias (north of Spain) and neighboring territories. The Virtual Herbarium can be consulted online, however, the infrastructure available is scarce and we would like to improve our resources and the dissemination of information.
Amount Awarded: US$
Eduardo Cires Rodríguez
Breaking the ice: building photosystem and starting digitization of LWS herbarium
State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1. To build digitization complex basing on Canon EOS 250D camera and Canon EF-S 35 mm lens.
2. To initiate digitization of LWS herbarium starting from endemics distributed in Ukrainian Carpathians (2031 vouchers).
3. To make an initial database of the herbarium vouchers deposited in LWS.
4. To share digitized materials with scientists around the world by uploading them to JACQ virtual herbarium, Data Centre Biodiversity of Ukraine, and UkrBin database.
Amount Awarded: US$
Andriy Novikov
Conserving endangered botanical collection of M. R. Almeida (1939–2017) from India: incorporation and digitization
Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research
M.R. Almeida (1939–2017) was a prominent plant taxonomist from India; whose major contribution to the floristic of Western Ghats is noteworthy. This collection was made by him with other co-workers between 1960 to 1998, mainly from Western India and most are referred in the treatment of 'Flora of Maharashtra (Vol.1 to 6)'. Due to poor maintenance, many specimens are deteriorating and needs immediate conservation attention. This proposal is an endeavour to shipping this collection to NGCPR herbarium, its restoration, curation and dissemination via digitization.
Amount Awarded: US$
Mayur Dhondiram Nandikar
Enhancing collection management and clearing specimen backlog in the endangered Iranian Cryptogamic Herbarium
Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST)
Iranian Cryptogamic Herbarium is one of the important collections with valuable material from the species-rich Hyrcanian region and the Transcaucasus biodiversity hotspot. It is by far the largest lichen collection in Iran and in the Middle East, holding valuable reference collections. Due to insufficient funding, the collection is at risk of damage and needs immediate curation. To make the collection available for the wide research community, the main project objectives are to improve the collection preservation, database and digitize the collection, and process specimen backlog.
Amount Awarded: US$
Masoomeh Ghobad-Nejhad
Processing specimen backlog and updating the database of the Jardín Botánico de Cartagena “Guillermo Piñeres” Herbarium (JBGP)
Jardín Botánico de Cartagena “Guillermo Piñeres”
The objectives are 1. Process backlog specimens, 2. Update the Herbarium database. The JBGP Herbarium is the most important plant collection of the Colombian Caribbean because, during the '80s and '90s, it received specimens from several projects of poorly known Colombian Caribbean localities. From 2009 to 2015, the collection was abandoned due to the lack of funding for maintenance. This grant will contribute to the efforts started in 2015 to recover the herbarium collection creating the current database and mounting and restoring non-processed and damaged specimens.
Amount Awarded: US$
Santiago Madrinan
Accessioning and digitization of uncurated historical collections at Hendrix College
Hendrix College
The Hendrix College Herbarium has approximately 6600 accessions dating back to the 1940s, including bryophytes, lichens, fungi, marine algae, and vascular plants, but lacks funding for collections management or curation. Funds are requested to mount, digitize and properly 300-350 research-grade cryptogamic collections, which are in various stages of disarray, as well as up to 500 tracheophyte collections that are labeled but unmounted. The tracheophytes are primarily unicate collections of local significant from county flora projects done in the 1960s-1980s.
Amount Awarded: US$
Adam Schneider
2021 Round
52 applications were received in the 2021 round, for funding in 2022. Thank you to all who applied.
The following applications were selected for funding.
Digitization and online availability of Herbarium SPFR records (DB/FFCLRP-USP, Brazil)
University of São Paulo
The objectives of this proposal are:
- to accelerate the digitization of the SPFR Herbarium collection – from 2,000 to 6,000 digitalized records
- make the records available on an online platform
- organize the collection for assembly and correct packaging of the exsiccates (nearly 5,000 numbers waiting to the mounted)
- Return of loans.
Amount Awarded: US$
Milton Groppo Jr
Digitizing specimens with economic use in a small herbarium in Ecuador: improvement to the Herbarium of Economic Botany of Ecuador (QUSF)
Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador
The Herbarium of Economic Botany of Ecuador (QUSF) holds 26,200 specimens with over sixty percent of them keeping information on uses and applications of economic value being one of the few herbaria in Ecuador that addresses exclusively this topic. In Ecuador, only 15% of the 20 herbaria have portions of their collections available online. Therefore, we propose as the principal objective to digitize all herbarium specimens and make the data public. Thus, having specimen data easily accessible online will promote sharing of information and foster biodiversity information networks.
Amount Awarded: US$
Hugo Valdebenito
Implementation of improvements in the collection of lichens and fungi of the Herbario Nacional de Bolivia (LPB)
1)Improve the conditions of the collection of lichens and fungi in the Herbario Nacional de Bolivia (LPB).
2)Built capacities on students in the final years of their studies about the curation and conservation process for collections of lichens and fungi.
3)Teach and communicate the importance of collections of lichens and fungi to the civilian population.
Amount Awarded: US$
Carla Maldonado
Digitization and expansion of the local reference collection from Herbário de Niterói (NIT)
Universidade Federal Fluminense
1. Capture high resolution images of 5000 specimens and share them online at http://jabot.jbrj.gov.br/ and https://specieslink.net/;
2. Increase the herbarium collection by mounting, including and databasing 500 backlog specimens;
3. Improve specimen storage and processing conditions;
4. Equip collection rooms to safely accommodate incoming specimens donated from Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.
5. Consolidate NIT as reference collection for threatened Atlantic Rainforest biodiversity by increasing accession of specimens from local preserved areas through field work and donations.
Amount Awarded: US$
Adriana Lobão
Database and Collection Improvement of Lao Plants
National University of Laos
The Herbarium of Faculty of Forestry (FOF), National University of Laos is housed more than 10,000 specimens (including Types) of Lao plants which are being described recently from Laos and cited as literature for the account of Lao plants. This project aims to establish a database of the collections at the FOF herbarium.
Amount Awarded: US$
Phetlasy Souladeth
Systematization, digitization and curatorship of Peruvian tree specimens housed at the Forestry Herbarium MOL
National Agrarian University La Molina
MOL herbarium contains a unique collection of about 60000 herbarium specimens, including the largest known collection of Peruvian tree specimens. Over half of the sheets at MOL were digitized, supported by the Atrium Project, but many specimens remain unprocessed. We propose to continue working with the missing specimens (4500 specimens) by following three objectives:
1.Enhancement of collection management and curation practices
2.Systematization and digitization of specimens, with tree collections and type material (42 types).
3.Publish information obtained in the study to be freely available
Amount Awarded: US$
Sonia Palacios Ramos
Saving the modern phanerogam collection of the MVM herbarium: processing and preserving specimen backlog of an important record of uruguayan flora.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
The herbarium of the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) house ca. 100.0000 specimens and has a minimum staff of one person with a maintenance budget limited to mounting materials and preserving supplies. In the last 10 years through several field trips around the country mainly directed to collect phanerogam specimens which redounded in ca. 2500 specimens’ backlog. These specimens were collected in high biodiversity threatened localities. The main objective is processing and digitizing this specimen’s backlog in order to make them available to the scientific community.
Amount Awarded: US$
Meica Valdivia
Providing equipment and starting digitization of LWKS herbarium
Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians, National Academy of Ukraine
General Objective
To share digitized materials with scientists around the world by uploading them to the national biodiversity platform UkrBIN and incorporation into the GBIF.
Amount Awarded: US$
Nadiya Sytschak
Incorporation of a BNRH into J to preserve this small collection in a South African Herbarium; and distribution of new types emanating from BNRH
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
The C.E. Moss Herbarium (J) has recently acquired the extremely valuable SMALL COLLECTION (c. 24 000 specimens) from Buffelskloof Nature Reserve Herbarium (BNRH), which has closed down.
We plan to:
1. Incorporate BNRH specimens into the J collection: confirm taxonomic accuracy (ID and current nomenclature), add information to our BRAHMS database, file specimens in correct folders in compactor system.
2. Digitise specimens and upload to Global Plants. Link to photographs of live plants supplied by BNRH.).
3. Courier duplicates of BNRH types of 20 newly described Asparagus species
Amount Awarded: US$
Glynis V. Cron
South Africa
Enhancing the specimens preservation conditions at DBEV, a herbarium dedicated to teaching and research at University of Antananarivo
University of Antananarivo
This project aims to improve the role of the DBEV herbarium, University of Antananarivo, in support the development of a next generation of botanists and taxonomists in Madagascar. Because specimens at DBEV are currently stacked inside unprotected open cases, so they need to be better stored for long-term for both teaching materials and for promoting these specimens as important tool for research. Currently, DBEV houses ca; 9000 specimens, with part of the collection available online (https://herbaria.plants.ox.ac.uk/bol/swioorchids).
Amount Awarded: US$
Mijoro Rakotoarinivo
Database, online publication, and processing backlog at Dourados Herbarium (DDMS), Central-West Brazil
Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
The Dourados Herbarium (DDMS) comprises a collection of ca. 6500 specimens from central-western Brazil, including regional collections of the Atlantic Forest and the highly threatened Pantanal wetland that had been recently massively devastated by fire. Thus, the main objective of preserving specimens and enhance the accessibility of the collection to the community became demanding. The grant will be invested in the following improvements:
1) Database all specimens using JABOT and provide online;
2) Increase the collection by processing all backlog with ca. 2500 specimens.
Amount Awarded: US$
Augusto Giaretta de Oliveira
2024 Round
28 applications were received in this round, for funding in 2024. Thank you to all who applied.
The following applications were selected for funding.
Cataloging, digitalization, and obtaining images from the collection of the Herbarium of the Department of Biology, FFCLRP-USP (Herbarium SPFR)
Universidade de São Paulo
- accelerate the digitization of the SPFR Herbarium collection – from c. 11,000 to 16,000 digitized records;
- make records available on the Specieslink online platform
- photograph at least 2,000 materials and make these records available online on the Specieslink platform
- check the collection periodically for pests such as beetle larvae and moths.
- package the material for incorporation
- Return of loans.
- organize the collection for assembly and correct packaging of exsiccates
- train students in scientific collection management activities and curation activities
Amount Awarded: US$
Milton Groppo Jr
Digitalization and storage of materials in the TASM Herbarium (Uzbekistan)
Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
1. Digitize 3,000 records from the TASM collection to establish a comprehensive digital database of mycological fungal specimens.
2. Scan 1,500 specimens to facilitate online access and dissemination of high-quality images for detailed examination and analysis.
3. Implement conservation measures to improve the condition of specimens, ensuring their long-term preservation.
4. Publish digitized records and specimen images online to enhance accessibility for researchers, educators, and the public, thereby promoting the scientific value and utilization of the TASM Herbarium collection.
Amount Awarded: US$
Ilyor Mustafaev
Backlog processing and digitalization of the main collection of the Herbarium DDMS, Central-West Brazil
Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
The Dourados Herbarium (DDMS) comprises a collection of ca. 11.000 specimens available online and ca. 5.000 specimens in the backlog (see https://specieslink.net/col/DDMS/). Most collections are from central-western Brazil. The main objective of DDMS is preserving specimens and enhance the accessibility of the collection to the community. The grant will be invested in the following improvements:
1) Increase the collection by processing the backlog with ca. 5.000 specimens;
2) Digitalize half collection and associate the images with the records available online.
Amount Awarded: US$
Augusto Giaretta de Oliveira
Processing of samples from permanent plots of the northern Amazon of Peru
Herbario Herrerense - Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana
Carry out the processing, assembly and entry of botanical samples to the collection of the Herrerense Herbarium (HH) in the city of Iquitos.
Update the record of species and botanical samples deposited in the HH herbarium.
Improve the current conditions of the botanical samples deposited in the HH herbarium.
Amount Awarded: US$
Luis Alberto Torres Montenegro
Processing, digitalization, and scientific dissemination of Herbarium (UFRR): a collection in the North of the Brazilian Amazon
Federal University of Roraima
The UFRR Herbarium, comprises a collection of 10000 specimens from Brazilian Amazon, especially from Roraima state, one of the wealthiest floristic diversities in the Rainforest Amazon. Despite that, it is a botanically under-sampled area endowed with lower research infrastructure. Being the only active herbarium in the state of Roraima, UFRR herbarium plays an important role to subsidize scientific research in botany, environmental conservation, and scientific dissemination. The grant will be invested in:
1) Digitalization of the collection; 2) Financing scientific dissemination.
Amount Awarded: US$
Amélia Carlos Tuler
Digital Roots: Connecting Science and Society through the Yucatán Peninsula's Digital Flora
Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán A. C. (CICY)
CICY holds the most comprehensive collection of the Yucatan Peninsula Biogeographic Province (YPBP). It is also a critical reference for the flora of southeastern Mexico and northern Central America. With the YPBP being a deforestation hotspot, the relevance of CICY becomes crucial. Our objective is to continue the flora’s documentation by 1) Digitizing 2000 specimens of endemic, endangered, and culturally significant species of the YPBP, and 2) Promoting universal access to this information by updating the images available on the Digital Flora website.
Amount Awarded: US$
Germán Carnevali
Digitization of specimens housed in the Herbarium of the University of Colima
Universidad de Colima
• Optimize the digitization process of specimens housed in the UCOL Herbarium.
• Reduce the accumulation of specimens waiting to be mounted and to add them to the database and/or interleaved in the collection.
• Train young undergraduate and graduate alumni in the study of the region's flora.
• Acquire material for mounting specimens.
Amount Awarded: US$
Carlos Leopardi