Symposium “Plant anatomy: traditions and perspectives”, 16-21 September 2019, Moscow
You are invited to a symposium “Plant anatomy: traditions and perspectives” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Prof. Ludmila Ivanovna Lotova (1929-2017), an outstanding Russian plant anatomist. The Symposium
will be held from 16-21 September 2019 at the Biological Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. The meeting will be focused on research fields related to comparative anatomy of vegetative and reproductive plant organs (including systematic, functional, ecological and developmental plant anatomy as well as the evolution of anatomical traits and their use for plant identification in science and practice). Honoring Prof. L.I. Lotova’s great contribution in bark anatomy and anatomy of cultivated plants, we especially encourage specialists in these fields to attend the Symposium.
For more details, download this document