IAPT Conferences in 2020
We are pleased to announce that IAPT will participate in two international conferences in 2020:
The Southern African Society for Systematic Biology conference will be held at the Waterval Country Lodge (www.waterval.co.za) outside of Cape Town, 4-11 July, 2020. IAPT will organize a workshop on nomenclature for the SASSB conference that we hope will be of interest to botanists, mycologists and phycologists. IAPT Council Member Muthama Muasya is one of the congress co-organizers. More details on the congress can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/xv-sassb-2020/home.
IAPT will also participate in the XV International Palynological Congress and XI International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference (IPC/IOPC) in Prague, 12-19 September, 2020. For this conference we will organize a nomenclature workshop that gives special attention to aspects of the International Code of Nomenclature (ICN) that are specific to fossil plants, fungi and algae. We will also sponsor the IAPT Early Career Investigator Symposium with the theme “New fossils, New Methods, New Ideas.” More details on the congress can be found here: https://www.prague2020.cz/index.php
IAPT supports research on the taxonomy and systematics of plants, fungi, and algae, living and fossil! We support and facilitate governance of our system of nomenclature. We publish the journal Taxon, which is the leading international journal in our field. We give grants for research and collections improvements, organize and host international symposia, give prestigious awards to recognize accomplishments. We hope that attendees at both of these conferences will take advantage of these workshops and symposium, and consider joining us as a member of IAPT.