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IAPT Call For Nominations

Call For Nominations

For Council and Officers of the International Association For Plant Taxonomy

The IAPT Nominating Committee (Sandra Knapp, Acting Past President, U.K.; Renée Fortunato, Argentina; Douglas Soltis, U.S.A.) are now requesting nominations for the following IAPT roles:

· President

· Vice-President

· Secretary General

· Members of Council (10)

IAPT Officers and Members of Council hold office for six years and are voted upon by the general membership. All positions are non-salaried service positions. Terms of service begin July 2023 at the International Botanical Congress in Brazil and terminate in 2029 at the subsequent IBC. Two nominations for each of the elected positions must be sought. Members are eligible for re-election to the same office. Membership of the current Council can be seen at Members of IAPT Council are expected to serve on one of the Association’s Committees (see for the current Committees and their remits) and to attend the annual Council meeting, usually in association with an international scientific conference or symposium.

The Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past-President, is responsible for soliciting nominations from the membership at large and from within Council. The final list of candidates for the ballot is voted upon by Council.

Information Specifically for the Secretary-General position

Duties are to manage the Association, which involves overseeing the main office (with secretary and hourly help), organizing council meetings and activities, conducting the IBC Nomenclature Section mail ballot, facilitating election of new IAPT officers and council members, interfacing with the editorial staff of Taxon and Regnum Vegetabile (Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor, Production Editor), and working with the Treasurer in overseeing the operating monies of the Association.

The Secretary-General's home institution will be the new location for the main office of the IAPT (and the International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature), and this can be in any country of the world. This is a replacement for Prof. Karol Marhold, who will step down after twelve years of service.

The Secretary-General has the responsibility to promote development of plant systematics worldwide. Opportunities for improving the organization are limited only by the imagination of the new Secretary-General.

Please send suggestions or self-nominations for individuals to be considered for these roles to a member of the Nominations Committee (,, before 1 May 2021 with IAPT Council nomination in the subject line and a brief (100–200 word max.) reason why they would fit the role for which you have nominated them.

The composition of Council must span the international membership, and the taxonomic groups covered in the traditional conception of botany (algae, fungi and plants). We also aim for equality, diversity and inclusivity in Council, so nominations from geographical areas or groups marginalised in the study of algal, fungal and plant taxonomy are particularly welcomed.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sandy, Renée and Doug

Sandra Knapp,1 Renée Fortunato2 & Doug Soltis3

1Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K.

2Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos, INTA, 1686 Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, Argentina

3University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History, Dickinson Hall, 1659 Museum Road, Gainesville, Florida 32611, U.S.A.



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