IAPT Publications

TAXON and nomenclature
The International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants, mandates that the following must be published in TAXON:
Proposals to amend the Code (excepting proposals relating solely to fungi - see below)
Proposals to conserve or reject names
Proposals to suppress works
Requests for binding decisions
Proposals to amend the Code (excluding those relating solely to fungi) are to be submitted via the procedure described by Turland & Wiersema (2020). The remaining three types of proposals should be submitted to the Nomenclatural Proposal Editor, as listed on the TAXON Contacts page.
Proposals to amend the Code that relate solely to names of organisms treated as fungi (i.e. in Chapter F) and lists of names proposed for protection (Art. F.2) or rejection (Art. F.7) must be published in IMA Fungus